JavaScript Required
JavaScript is required to access the University of Miami Payment Portal. Your Web browser does not appear to have scripting turned on, which is needed to make online payments using this website. Please turn on scripting in your Web browser, and then select Continue at the bottom of this page. To turn on scripting, follow the instructions for your browser:
Internet Explorer
To enable scripting for Microsoft® Internet Explorer® (versions 8 and earlier):
- On the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
- Select the Security tab.
- Select the Internet zone.
- If you do not have to customize your Internet security settings, select Default Level, then skip to the last step.
- If you have to customize your Internet security settings, follow these steps:
- Select Custom Level.
- In the Security Settings – Internet Zone dialog box under Scripting, select Enable for Active Scripting.
- Select the Refresh button of Internet Explorer to begin running scripts.
- Select the Continue button at the bottom of this page to continue creating your Personal Account or logging in.
To enable scripting for Mozilla® Firefox® (versions 3 and earlier):
- On the Tools menu, select Options.
- Select the Content tab.
- Select the Enable JavaScript check box.
- Select the Reload Current Page button of Firefox to begin running scripts.
- Select the Continue button at the bottom of this page to continue creating your Personal Account or logging in.
To enable scripting for Google Chrome™ (versions 4 and earlier):
- On the Customize and Control Google Chrome menu, select Options.
- Select the Under the Hood tab.
- Select the Content Settings button.
- Select the JavaScript tab.
- Select the Allow All Sites to Run JavaScript option.
- Select Close and Close.
- Select the Reload this Page button of Chrome to begin running scripts.
- Select the Continue button at the bottom of this page to continue creating your Personal Account or logging in.
To enable scripting for Apple® Safari® (versions 4 and earlier):
- On the Display a Menu of General Safari Settings menu, select Preferences.
- Select the Security tab.
- Select the Enable JavaScript check box.
- Close the Security dialog box.
- Select the Continue button at the bottom of this page to continue creating your Personal Account or logging in.
To enable scripting for the Opera Software ASA Opera™ (versions 10 and earlier):
- On the Tools menu, select Preferences.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Select the Enable JavaScript check box.
- Select OK.
- Select the Reload button of Opera to begin running scripts.
- Select the Continue button at the bottom of this page to continue creating your Personal Account or logging in.
After Enabling Scripting...
After turning on scripting for your Web browser, select Continue to create your Personal Account, or log in.